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Josh Parker

VFX Lead

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Josh Parker started out in the game industry in the fall of 2006, hired as a 3D generalist doing a little bit of everything. He really enjoyed character modeling and animation, but once he started digging into particle systems and the world of real-time visual effects, he was in love. He moved to Austin, TX in 2008 to start at a new studio as a VFX Artist, living the dream working on the kind of IPs he grew up with... Ghostbusters, Marvel, Mortal Kombat, and of course his favorite—Star Wars. He enjoys the variety of skills and techniques he needs to continue developing and growing as a VFX Artist, even doing things he's tackled dozens of times are always awesome opportunities to try and one-up himself and what he can do to better realize the vision of the game he's working on.

Josh is very passionate about this discipline and loves trying to give back through outreach and education where he can. He's often volunteering to speak to classrooms across the US about his discipline and industry as a whole, and he mentors college students every semester seeking to find their way into the industry. He's extremely excited to be here working with CGMA and looking forward to helping you learn about this exciting field in the game industry.


Josh did an exceptionally through job of explaining each step, and explaining the purpose of each step. His feedback and willingness to see his students improve is truly inspiring.

Russel Aronchick

Encouraged me to dive into an area that I was unfamiliar with at the start of the course.


Josh really sets up a professional standard for us on how to approach real-time vfx and I am now more comfortable with going through the whole creative process of VFX in UE5.


Josh is a very kind, patient and knowledgeable person. It’s clear that he enjoys sharing his knowledge with everyone, and he does it in a very natural way.
